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冰莹电子书 > 成为乔布斯 > 第106章 参考书目

第106章 参考书目 (第1/2页)


Alo, Gl. On th Frng Ln: My 500 Days at Appl. N York: HarprBusnss, 1998.

Brln, Lsl. Th Man Bhnd th Mcrochp: Rort Noyc and th Invnton of Slcon Vally. N York: Oxford Unvrsty Prss, 2005.

Brnnan, Chrsann. Th Bt n th Appl: A Mor of My Lf th Stv Jos. N York: St. Martn's Prss, 2013.

Catull, Ed. Cratvty Inc.: Ovrcong th Unsn Forcs That Stand n th Way of Tru Inspraton. N York: Rando Hous, 2014.

Collns, J. Good to Grat: Why So Copans Mak th Lap . . . and Othrs Don't. N York: HarprBusnss, 2001.

Collns, J, and Jrry I. Porras. Bult to Last: Succssful Hats of Vsonary Copans. N York: HarprBusnss, 2004.

Dutschann, Alan. Th Scond Cong of Stv Jos. N York: Cron Busnss, 2001.

Esslngr, Hartut. Kp It Spl: Th Early Dsgn Yars at Appl. Stuttgart: Arnoldsch Vrlaganstalt, 2014.

Grov, Andr S. Sng Across: A Mor. N York: Grand Cntral Pulshng, 2001.

Hrtzfld, Andy. Rvoluton n th Vally: Th Insanly Grat Story of Ho th Mac Was Mad. Sastopol, CA: O'Rlly Mda, 2004.

Hltzk, Mchal A. Dalrs of Lghtnng: Xrox PARC and th Dan of th Coputr Ag. N York: HarprBusnss, 1999.

Isaacson, Waltr. Stv Jos. N York: Son ≈ Schustr, 2011.

Kahny, Landr. Jony Iv: Th Man Bhnd Appl's Gratst Products. N York: Portfolo Hardcovr, 2013.

Krugr, Myron W. Artfcal Ralty II. Boston: Addson-Wssly Profssonal,1991.

Lashnsky, Ada. Insd Appl: Ho Arca's Most Adrd— and Scrtv—Copany Rally Works. N York: Busnss Plus, 2012.

Lvy, Stvn. Insanly Grat: Th Lf and Ts of Macntosh, th Coputr That Changd Evrythng. N York: Pngun, 2000.

———. Th Prfct Thng: Ho th Pod Shuffls Corc, Cultur, and Coolnss.N York: Son ≈ Schustr, 2006.

Lnzayr, On W. Appl Confdntal 2.0: Th Dfntv Hstory of th World's Most Colorful Copany. San Francsco: No Starch Prss, 2004.

Lvngston, Jssca. Foundrs at Work: Stors of Startups'Early Days. N York:Aprss, 2009.

Lovll, Soph. Dtr Ras: As Lttl Dsgn as Possl. London: Phadon Prss,2011.

Mans, Stphn, and Paul Andrs. Gats. N York: Touchston, 1994.

Markoff, John. What th Dorous Sad: Ho th Sxts Countrcultur Shapdth Prsonal Coputr. N York: Pngun, 2006.

McKnna, Rgs. Ral T: Prparng for th Ag of th Nvr Satsfd Custor.Boston: Harvard Busnss Rv Prss, 1999.

Mly, Cal. Th Zn of Stv Jos. N York: Wly, 2012.

Mortz, Mchal. Th Lttl Kngdo: Th Prvat Story of Appl Coputr. NYork: Wlla Morro ≈ Co., 1984.

Pak, Karn. To Infnty and Byond: Th Story of Pxar Anaton Studos. SanFrancsco: Chroncl Books, 2007.

Paraahansa Yogananda. Autoography of a Yog. Oakland, CA: Slf-Ralzaton Flloshp, 1998.

Prc, Davd A. Th Pxar Touch: Th Makng of a Copany. N York: Vntag,2009.

Rd, T. R. Th Chp: Ho To Arcans Invntd th Mcrochp and Launchd a Rvoluton. N York: Son ≈ Schustr, 1985.

Scully, John. Odyssy: Pps to Appl, A Journy of Advntur, Idas, and th Futur.N York: HarprCollns, 1987.

Sgall, Kn. Insanly Spl: Th Ossson That Drvs Appl's Succss. N York:Portfolo Hardcovr, 2012.

Spson, Mona. A Rgular Guy. N York: Vntag, 1997.

Start, Jas B. DsnyWar. N York: Son ≈ Schustr, 2006.

Stross, Randall. Stv Jos and th NXT Bg Thng. N York: Scrnr, 1993.

Suzuk, Shunryu. Zn Mnd, Bgnnr's Mnd: Inforal Talks on Zn Mdtatonand Practc. Boston: Shahala, 2006.

Tdlo, Rchard S. Andy Grov: Th Lf and Ts of an Arcan. N York:Pngun, 2006.

Voglstn, Frd. Dogfght: Ho Appl and Googl Wnt to War and Startd a Rvoluton. N York: Sarah Crchton Books, 2013.

Woznak, Stphn, and Gna Sth. Woz: Coputr Gk to Cult Icon: Ho I Invntd th Prsonal Coputr, Co-foundd Appl, and Had Fun Dong It.N York: W. W. Norton ≈ Copany, 2007.

Young, Jffry S. Stv Jos: Th Journy Is th Rard. N York: Scott Forsan Trad, 1987.


Schlndr, Brnton R. “Jos, Prot Bco Unlkly Partnrs n Appl Foundr's N Concrn.” Wall Strt Journal, Fruary 2, 1987.

———. “Nxt Projct: Appl Era Bhnd H, Stv Jos Trs Agan, Usng a N Syst.” Wall Strt Journal, Octor 13, 1988.

———. “Ho Stv Jos Lnkd Up th IBM.” Fortun, Octor 9, 1989.

———. “Th Futur of th PC: Stv Jos and Bll Gats Talk Aout Toorro.”Fortun, August 26, 1991.

———. “What Bll Gats Rally Wants.” Fortun, January 16, 1995.

———. “Stv Jos' Aazng Mov Advntur.” Fortun, Sptr 18, 1995.

———. “Sothng's Rottn n Cuprtno.” Fortun, March 3, 1997.

———. “Th Thr Facs of Stv.” Fortun, Novr 9, 1998.

———. “Appl's On- Dollar- a- Yar Man.” Fortun, January 24, 2000.

———. “Stv Jos' Appl Gts Way Coolr.” Fortun, January 24, 2000.

———. “Stv Jos: Grayng Prnc of a Shrnkng Kngdo.” Fortun, May 14,2001.

———. “Pxar's Fun Hous.” Fortun, July 23, 2001.

———. “Appl's 21st Cntury Walkan.” Fortun, Novr 12, 2001.

———. “Appl's Bupr Crop.” Fortun, Fruary 3, 2003.

———. “What Dos Stv Jos Want?” Fortun, Fruary 23, 2004.
