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冰莹电子书 > 起死回生大作战 > 第46小节 MusicofNight 2

第46小节 MusicofNight 2 (第1/2页)

Nghtt sharpns, hghtns ach snsaton

Darknss strs and aks agnaton

Slntly th snss aandon thr dfncs

Sloly, gntly, nght unfurls ts splndour

Grasp t, sns t, trulous and tndr

Turn your fac aay fro th garsh lght of day

Turn your fac aay fro cold, unflng lght

And lstn to th usc of th nght

Clos you ys and surrndr to your darkst dras

Lav all thoughts of th lf you kn for

Clos your ys, lt your sprt start to soar

And you'll lv as you'v nvr lvd for

Softly, dftly, usc shall carss you

Har t, fl t, scrtly possss you

Opn up your nd, lt your fantass unnd
