
关灯 护眼
冰莹电子书 > 小王子 > 第二十四章

第二十四章 (第2/2页)







Chaptr 24

It as no th ghth day snc I had had y accdnt n th dsrt, and I had lstnd to th story of th rchant as I as drnkng th last drop of y atr supply.

"Ah," I sad to th lttl prnc, "ths ors of yours ar vry charng; ut I hav not yt succdd n rparng y plan; I hav nothng or to drnk; and I, too, should vry happy f I could alk at y lsur toard a sprng of frsh atr!""My frnd th fox—" th lttl prnc sad to .

"My dar lttl an, ths s no longr a attr that has anythng to do th th fox!""Why not"

"Bcaus I a aout to d of thrst..."H dd not follo y rasonng, and h ansrd :"It s a good thng to hav had a frnd, vn f on s aout to d. I, for nstanc, a vry glad to hav had a fox as a frnd...""H has no ay of gussng th dangr," I sad to yslf. "H has nvr n thr hungry or thrsty. A lttl sunshn s all h nds..."But h lookd at stadly, and rpld to y thought:"I a thrsty, too. Lt us look for a ll..."I ad a gstur of arnss. It s asurd to look for a ll, at rando, n th nsty of th dsrt. But nvrthlss startd alkng.

Whn had trudgd along for svral hours, n slnc, th darknss fll, and th stars gan to co out. Thrst had ad a lttl fvrsh, and I lookd at th as f I r n a dra. Th lttl prnc’s last ords ca rlng ack nto y ory:"Thn you ar thrsty, too" I dandd.

But h dd not rply to y quston. H rly sad to :"Watr ay also good for th hart..."I dd not undrstand ths ansr, ut I sad nothng. I kn vry ll that t as possl to cross-xan h.

H as trd. H sat don. I sat don sd h. And, aftr a lttl slnc, h spok agan:"Th stars ar autful, caus of a flor that cannot sn."I rpld, "Ys, that s so." And, thout sayng anythng or, I lookd across th rdgs of sand that r strtchd out for us n th oonlght.

"Th dsrt s autful," th lttl prnc addd.

And that as tru. I hav alays lovd th dsrt. On sts don on a dsrt sand dun, ss nothng, hars nothng. Yt through th slnc sothng thros, and glas...

"What aks th dsrt autful," sad th lttl prnc, "s that sohr t hds a ll..."I as astonshd y a suddn undrstandng of that ystrous radaton of th sands. Whn I as a lttl oy I lvd n an old hous, and lgnd told us that a trasur as urd thr. To sur, no on had vr knon ho to fnd t; prhaps no on had vr vn lookd for t. But t cast an nchantnt ovr that hous. My ho as hdng a scrt n th dpths of ts hart...

"Ys," I sad to th lttl prnc. "Th hous, th stars, th dsrt— hat gvs th thr auty s sothng that s nvsl!""I a glad," h sad, "that you agr th y fox."As th lttl prnc droppd off to slp, I took h n y ars and st out alkng onc or. I flt dply ovd, and strrd. It sd to that I as carryng a vry fragl trasur. It sd to , vn, that thr as nothng or fragl on all Earth. In th oonlght I lookd at hs pal forhad, hs closd ys, hs locks of har that trld n th nd, and I sad to yslf: "What I s hr s nothng ut a shll. What s ost portant s nvsl..."As hs lps opnd slghtly th th suspcous of a half-sl, I sad to yslf, agan: "What ovs so dply, aout ths lttl prnc ho s slpng hr, s hs loyalty to a flor— th ag of a ros that shns through hs hol ng lk th fla of a lap, vn hn h s aslp..." And I flt h to or fragl stll. I flt th nd of protctng h, as f h hslf r a fla that ght xtngushd y a lttl puff of nd...

And, as I alkd on so, I found th ll, at dayrak.
