
关灯 护眼
冰莹电子书 > 小王子 > 第十九章

第十九章 (第2/2页)

Chaptr 19

Aftr that, th lttl prnc cld a hgh ountan. Th only ountans h had vr knon r th thr volcanos, hch ca up to hs kns. And h usd th xtnct volcano as a footstool. "Fro a ountan as hgh as ths on," h sad to hslf, "I shall al to s th hol plant at on glanc, and all th popl..."But h sa nothng, sav paks of rock that r sharpnd lk ndls.

"Good ornng," h sad courtously.

"Good ornng— ood ornng— Good ornng," ansrd th cho.

"Who ar you" sad th lttl prnc.

"Who ar you— Who ar you— Who ar you" ansrd th cho.

"B y frnds. I a all alon," h sad.

"I a all alon— all alon— all alon," ansrd th cho.

"What a qur plant!" h thought. "It s altogthr dry, and altogthr pontd, and altogthr harsh and forddng. And th popl hav no agnaton. Thy rpat hatvr on says to th... On y plant I had a flor; sh alays as th frst to spak..."
