
关灯 护眼
冰莹电子书 > 小王子 > 第九章

第九章 (第2/2页)



Chaptr 9

I lv that for hs scap h took advantag of th graton of a flock of ld rds. On th ornng of hs dpartur h put hs plant n prfct ordr. H carfully cland out hs actv volcanos. H possssd to actv volcanos; and thy r vry convnnt for hatng hs rakfast n th ornng. H also had on volcano that as xtnct. But, as h sad, "On nvr knos!" So h cland out th xtnct volcano, too. If thy ar ll cland out, volcanos urn sloly and stadly, thout any ruptons. Volcanc ruptons ar lk frs n a chny.

On our arth ar ovously uch too sall to clan out our volcanos. That s hy thy rng no nd of troul upon us.

Th lttl prnc also pulld up, th a crtan sns of djcton, th last lttl shoots of th aoas. H lvd that h ould nvr ant to rturn. But on ths last ornng all ths falar tasks sd vry prcous to h. And hn h atrd th flor for th last t, and prpard to plac hr undr th shltr of hr glass glo, h ralsd that h as vry clos to tars.

"Goody," h sad to th flor.

But sh ad no ansr.

"Goody," h sad agan.

Th flor coughd. But t as not caus sh had a cold.

"I hav n slly , " sh sad to h, at last. "I ask your forgvnss. Try to happy..."H as surprsd y ths asnc of rproachs. H stood thr all ldrd, th glass glo hld arrstd n d-ar. H dd not undrstand ths qut stnss.

"Of cours I lov you," th flor sad to h. "It s y fault that you hav not knon t all th hl. That s of no portanc. But you— you hav n just as foolsh as I. Try to happy... lt th glass glo . I don’t ant t any or.""But th nd—"

"My cold s not so ad as all that... th cool nght ar ll do good. I a a flor.""But th anals—"

"Wll, I ust ndur th prsnc of to or thr catrpllars f I sh to co acquantd th th uttrfls. It ss that thy ar vry autful. And f not th uttrfls— and th catrpllars— ho ll call upon You ll far aay... as for th larg anals— I a not at all afrad of any of th. I hav y clas."And, navly, sh shod hr four thorns. Thn sh addd:"Don’t lngr lk ths. You hav dcdd to go aay. No go!"For sh dd not ant h to s hr cryng. Sh as such a proud flor...
