
关灯 护眼
冰莹电子书 > 小王子 > 第七章

第七章 (第2/2页)









Chaptr 7

On th ffth day— agan, as alays, t as thanks to th shp— th scrt of th lttl prnc’s lf as rvald to . Aruptly, thout anythng to lad up to t, and as f th quston had n orn of long and slnt dtaton on hs prol, h dandd:"A shp— f t ats lttl ushs, dos t at flors, too""A shp," I ansrd, "ats anythng t fnds n ts rach.""Evn flors that hav thorns""Ys, vn flors that hav thorns.""Thn th thorns— hat us ar thy"I dd not kno. At that ont I as vry usy tryng to unscr a olt that had got stuck n y ngn. I as vry uch orrd, for t as cong clar to that th rakdon of y plan as xtrly srous. And I had so lttl drnkng-atr lft that I had to far for th orst.

"Th thorns— hat us ar thy"Th lttl prnc nvr lt go of a quston, onc h had askd t. As for , I as upst ovr that olt. And I ansrd th th frst thng that ca nto y had:"Th thorns ar of no us at all. Flors hav thorns just for spt!""Oh!"

Thr as a ont of coplt slnc. Thn th lttl prnc flashd ack at , th a knd of rsntfulnss:"I don’t lv you! Flors ar ak craturs. Thy ar na. Thy rassur thslvs as st thy can. Thy lv that thr thorns ar trrl apons..."I dd not ansr. At that nstant I as sayng to yslf: "If ths olt stll on’t turn, I a gong to knock t out th th har." Agan th lttl prnc dsturd y thoughts.

"And you actually lv that th flors--""Oh, no!" I crd. "No, no no! I don’t lv anythng. I ansrd you th th frst thng that ca nto y had. Don’t you s— I a vry usy th attrs of consqunc!"H stard at , thundrstruck.

"Mattrs of consqunc!"

H lookd at thr, th y har n y hand, y fngrs lack th ngn-gras, ndng don ovr an ojct hch sd to h xtrly ugly...

"You talk just lk th gron-ups!"That ad a lttl ashad. But h nt on, rlntlssly:"You x vrythng up togthr... You confus vrythng..."H as rally vry angry. H tossd hs goldn curls n th rz.

"I kno a plant hr thr s a crtan rd-facd gntlan. H has nvr slld a flor. H has nvr lookd at a star. H has nvr lovd any on. H has nvr don anythng n hs lf ut add up fgurs. And all day h says ovr and ovr, just lk you: ‘I a usy th attrs of consqunc!‘ And that aks h sll up th prd. But h s not a an— h s a ushroo!""A hat"

"A ushroo!"

Th lttl prnc as no ht th rag.

"Th flors hav n grong thorns for llons of yars. For llons of yars th shp hav n atng th just th sa. And s t not a attr of consqunc to try to undrstand hy th flors go to so uch troul to gro thorns hch ar nvr of any us to th Is th arfar tn th shp and th flors not portant Is ths not of or consqunc than a fat rd-facd gntlan’s sus And f I kno— I, yslf— on flor hch s unqu n th orld, hch gros nohr ut on y plant, ut hch on lttl shp can dstroy n a sngl t so ornng, thout vn notcng hat h s dong— Oh! You thnk that s not portant!"Hs fac turnd fro ht to rd as h contnud:“If so on lovs a flor, of hch just on sngl losso gros n all th llons and llons of stars, t s nough to ak h happy just to look at th stars. H can say to hslf, ’Sohr, y flor s thr... ’ But f th shp ats th flor, n on ont all hs stars ll darknd... And you thnk that s not portant!” H could not say anythng or. Hs ords r chokd y song.

Th nght had falln. I had lt y tools drop fro y hands. Of hat ont no as y har, y olt, or thrst, or dath On on star, on plant, y plant, th Earth, thr as a lttl prnc to cofortd. I took h n y ars, and rockd h. I sad to h:"Th flor that you lov s not n dangr. I ll dra you a uzzl for your shp. I ll dra you a ralng to put around your flor. I ll—"I dd not kno hat to say to h. I flt akard and lundrng. I dd not kno ho I could rach h, hr I could ovrtak h and go on hand n hand th h onc or.

It s such a scrt plac, th land of tars.
